Hello! I’m Elise Lenoble and I’m a French professional genealogist. I have been passionate about genealogy and family history research for over 12 years.
My researches, mostly in France (but also in Belgium), have led me to discover the stories of many ancestors through various types of documents.
Since 2012, I have been sharing my discoveries and the ressources that I’ve used on my French blog “Auprès de nos Racines“. Recently, I have created the blog “My French roots” in order to help English speaking genealogists finding their French ancestors.
I also have a Youtube channel on which I share my research tips in videos (in French).
You can also follow my Instagram accounts where I share my discoveries and tips about genealogy research in France :
- https://www.instagram.com/eliselenoble/ (in french)
- https://www.instagram.com/frenchgenealogist/ (in english)
As a professional genealogist, I can help you trace your French roots: from tracing your family tree in France to uncovering the story of a French ancestor, or helping you understanding the French documents that you have found.
Here are some examples of the services that I provide:
- On-site research in archives throughout France
- Online research in French archives
- Biographical research on French ancestors
- Translation of documents from French to English (complete translation or abstract)
- Transcription of handwritten documents (paleography)
- Analysis of French documents
- …
Contact me
For any question about this blog or my services, feel free to contact me.